leaving for shanghai in about 27 hours.
and i haven't really finished packing...
it was sis's birthday yesterday. went sushi tei, lovely food they serve there.
sushi tei's sashimi salad is sooo good!! i order that every time we dine there. the salad sauce is delicious!! and the crepe ice cream was great too! (^3^)
feeling so moody these few days (-_-)
oh, bought a new handbag at wisma yesterday. that's something to be happy about.
there's a cute guy in jap class yesterday! it's the first time i saw someone good looking besides the cute english teacher [who i don't see anymore...] and apparently the cute guy passed his JLPT 4 already. and got third in some test. wooo~
sis owe me ALOT of money...
12:55 AM
debut omedetou~!!!
yay!! \(^o^)/ after almost five years KAT-TUN is finally having their debut!!
their single, album and dvd is finally on the racks!! woah~~
oricon no. 1 tori masu yo~!! ganbare!!
and ueda is definitely gonna be popular, for sure i tell you. he isn't the shy and quiet uebo anymore desuyo!! you should just see him in the most recent ya-ya-yah!! he was soooo soooo uber cute!!! [and 'wild' too~ XP]
mezamashi tv was showing kattun's debut concert in tokyo dome and they are the FIRST group to have their very own concert there before debut [like duh~ hahah]. the concert tickets were all sold out on the first day of sales and the queue for their concert goods was 2 hours long!! mezamashi also listed 5 points why fans like them so much. and one of them was because of their 'wild' charm. hahahha~~ what a weird way to put it. it's just plain SEXY la! (>.<) ero-ness~~
yes koki, if all those 55000 fans at the concert buys 2 copies each the sales will hit 110000! whahah~~ (^o^)
jin thinks the stage is his home. he has this thing with lying on the floor and rolling around while singing (-__-)
1:16 AM
i am here living my sad holiday life before flying off in 5 days.
mapling and mapling. re-creating and re-creating a more perfect candydrop. yes re-created it twice. now the good candydrop is finally in ellinia ready to level up [many many lvls] and use the palette!!
sad isn't it? happy because of a virtual game... (>.<)
it's sad returning to school during hols taking photos of facilities. but the media biz award thing today was cool. it was so funny!! the 'farangs' [a lame band] performed some funny songs and the people is just too cool. they are such a fun bunch!! extremely ra-ra. this whole awards thing is all laughter and fun. CMM is a cool course, really. and of course, weird too.
only if our batch was as loud and fun as them...
i still haven't started packing anyting at all. laziness...
4:23 PM
i'm flying off in 8 days!!
to do list:
1. buy pump pump bottle for facial cleanser
2. dig out long sleeve tops
3. get shampoo and conditioner into the travelling bottles [hotel shampoo spoils hair]
4. wash all jeans
5. match formal attire
6. get real china currency
7. play as much maple as possible (^o^)v
sis bought me a-cash card!! yay!!
gachapon-ed 4500cash of it. got melting cheese and red hunters pants for aquila.
and PALETTE in cassopeia!!! !#$% (>.<)"
a lvl 30 palette for a extremely poor lvl 9 candydrop in cass. what?! when can it ever be used?!!! grr.
so i plan to gachapon again in aquila for cottonpuff.
wish me luck~~
11:40 PM
the world is so big and i am so small.
it struck me while listening to 903 yesterday. tt 'wun hoi' guy is soo well learnt in like so many stuff! and while he was talking and talking it just came to me that i am indeed just a very small being on this Earth. there are sooo many things out there and here i am thinking i know something...
it's a BIG 'WOW' ne...
and life is full of codes. things that we accept are true isn't really true sometimes.
this falls back to the 'it is because you believe that it becomes true' thing ne...
yikes i am getting so philosophical here...

the new kanjani 8 album cover is so sleek!!! it looks damn cool from here [cos can't really see the faces.. >.<]. it's only ryo that's hot in k8. anyway, F.T.O seems kakkoii ne... but i just found out that it stands for Funky Town Osaka (-__-)" *diao* only if it was just the abbreviation without any meaning (= .=)"
oh ya! qiu ze looks soo much like takki~!! [hideaki takizawa that is...] qui ze was in the papers yesterday and i almost got a shock of my life. i thought i saw takki!! at first i thought: oh maybe it's about him in hongkong. but wait, that was like so long ago. this is a newspaper. no no... then i look at the other pic, it was him with 3 singapore actors. i was like WHAT?!! he's in singapore and i didn't know a thing?!!! how can this be right?? and the headlines was saying he declined dramas in china and taiwan to act in singapore. something along this line... you can just imagine the SHOCK.
then i blink blink my sleepy eyes and saw the name 'qiu ze' (O_O) the pic is at least 85% alike i swear. they look sooo alike!!! but qiu ze is darker and has a stronger jawline after studying the pic. hahah~
i wanted to post the pic here so i went to the lianhe zaobao web to see see. it's the most china website i tell you. couldn't find anything though. and yahoo-ed qiu ze and i got roti prata (-_-)""
taki = waterfall
one of the new jap words i learnt today. it's special cos it's linked to takki's name unlike other words which has nothing to do with JE..
jya ne~
3:42 PM
sugoii!! there's a jap soccer team in singapore! (O. O)
and they won like....WON! better than all the singapore teams. ahahah~
they had a match at bedok staduim vs geylang on monday... !#$%&* i could have went (-.-)
although i don't know nuts about soccer but this might get me interested you know... hee~
oh i forgot to mention, they are called albirex. there's a girl from IT who is a volunteer there... wooah~
there's a player called kazuya (-_-)" and a teppei... not good looking *tsk tsk*
going for 'coffee' with meijuan tmr. sigh~ i am very doubtful of faith all over again now...
i think i should just let it go... and be a free freethinker! (^.^)
nad is in love with ryo!! and newS' songs. why not kat-tun?!!!
i love real face (^3 ^)
1:07 AM
but i didn't give anyone chocolates for v day so there's no need for any white day desu ne (^.^)
i hope that those who expressed her feelings for someone on v day would get a great reply today!
tjan and rah rah are down under right now, enjoying their first night there.
cho jealous!! (>.<)" i wanna go~~ and here i am slaving journals for shanghai.
there were so many people sending the 8 of them off yesterday.
and i think i saw judith. wasn't sure about that..
my family thinks that i have the hand foot mouth disease.
all thanks to the 3 ulcers that didn't heal and that 'mysterious' red dot on my finger (-_-)"
today was great. 'bimbo-ing' with dear nad.
but i firmly think that drooling over gorgeous jap guys is NOT bimbotic
real face is a fabulous song!! and all that sekushi dance~~ HOOOTT!! (^3^)
there's a big brown beetle in the room!!!
2:09 PM
results for scoliosis
30 degrees... it worsened!! urgh. gotta go for physio from now on.
worried ne. what if it keeps on worsening? (>.<)
results for year one sem 2
J2Feat: A
MMPrin: Z
Pers Com: B
Photo: A
not bad ne.. hahah (^-^)
i'm so lucky when it comes to academic... results for me always depend on luck.
6:31 PM
zy nad and i finally went for fondue!!! oishii~~ (^o^)v
it was since last year that we wanted to have fondue together. whahah~
and we made everyone jealous~ they were all staring at us while we enjoyed the fabulous fondue.
it is not because it's true that you believe but it is because you believe that it becomes true.
what a sweet coincidenceit is that the person you noticed noticed you too (^-^)
11:01 PM
being stressed is one thing. but bringing that stress to other people is just wrong.
not studying for a long long time might have made this period of time difficult for you but it doesn't give you the right to make the people around you do things for you. it is your own responsibility to complete your tasks.
although i will still help out whenever i can but this is just making you over reliant on us. in the very end when you have to face the tests and when we are not around, it is still back to yourself. when i do not help you, it is not because of laziness or anything. i just want you to learn what you need to learn and handle it yourself just as you left it to us to handle these kind of things all through this almost 18 years of my life.
will you ever understand where i am coming from?
seems like the thing about me is over. it is time for that person to hype over another one now. there is no one who will do something without a motive isn't it? is this what makes up humans?
one night without him will not kill you. is that bit of happiness in a relationship worth all the sadness that it brings?
my nobuta pouch has finally came!! after a long long wait of 4 months and 4 days (>.<)""
inefficient ne? mise wa... tsk tsk.
but anyway the pouch's great!! it's bigger than i thought and it is cloth!! i was thinking it would be plastic... kyyaaaa~ cho kawaii (^o^)
only if they had the nobuta keyholder from the dorama.
humans are always greedy ne~ (. _.)
bought winkup, potato and duet in one go. $44+... (T_T) burnt a hole in my wallet even though it is shared among sis and me. and sis said i should have bought all 5 instead (-_-)" she is never stingy in buying these things. hai~ i am trying so hard to not be such a spendthrift like before and now she is encouraging me to buy like $80 over worth of magazines at one go...
schooling has never been so tiring.
i ought to treasure the little time i have with tjan and rah rah... although it's only 3 wks of our holidays but it seems like we are parting forever (T_T) will really missed them....
11:31 PM
kat-tun's back!!!
YAY YAY YAY (^o^)v
they are gonna be on SC 19th march!! the producers of the show too!! they'll perform real face to promote their album. woohoo!!
i'm getting crazy~~~
found the songs from 1 litre no namida.
and a good webbie for songs~
good mood (^.^)
9:18 PM
genting and phuket was fun!!! \(^-^)/
but i'm too busy to put up photos for the time being...
1 litre no namida is nice~~~~ (^3^)
ryo-kun wa kakkoii!!! the story is quite good too... kinda sad though. at ep 8 now.
and i cried.. (T_T)
omgosh there is actually a jap version of hana yori way back in 1995!!! and naohito fujiki was in in as hanazawa rui!! woahhhh~~
it was a movie version though. and the reviews are not that good...
now that year 2 is gonna start, i feel old. but young at the same time. the students who came for admission looked older than me!!
and if i dont get my hair coloured, people will think that i am still in secondary school... (-__-)"