even though i'm almost an adult, i am still so awed and excited when i go to toy shops. even uncle teo's toy shop at bedok central. the shop is called uncle teo, not that i know the uncle... the stuff there's quite good!! i actually thought of getting a kerokeropi water bottle for school. cho kawaii!!
i've been thinking recently... am i someone who's nice to be around with?
it's hard to let one know how you really feel about her/him ne. it is hard not lie when it comes to such questions. i wonder if there's one who will tell me the TRUTH of his/her thoughts of me.
anyway, i was watching some kattun's musicfighter vids and there's the part where they were protesting against the fans!! about the takoyakis and bruises [but jin didn't say 'takoyaki' though].
poor them.. those fans should follow the rules!! and don't hurt kattun!!! (>o<)" there's a game played during the show called kattun OO best 5 where one of them gotta rank the other 5 according to the theme for that round. the five of them would then have to guess what the theme is after seated in front of their ranking flags.
first was kame ranking the rest.
theme: most tomodachis
FIRST: koki!
second: jin
third: junno
forth: nakama
last: ueda
koki was really high being FIRST. hahah~ his guess was 'most ''beautiful'''. ueda got angry and wanted to bash koki!! whahah!!! cho kawaii~ how can he be last in being beautiful ne.
next was jin's turn.
theme: most narcissistic
FIRST: KAME-chan!!
second: ueda
third: junno [again... -__-"]
forth: emtpy
last: nakama and koki
jin didn't know where to put nakama and koki and so ended up with koki sitting on nakama's lap at last place!! whahah!! they guessed the theme was 'like being alone' but nakama got the correct answer.
ooo kame... always looking into the mirror (^3^)
just thought of putting up a nice scan... kinda old - from april's myojo. for those who don't know, myojo's already at its june issue NOW.
kame looks soooo good here! like old times...

11:26 PM
wooooah long pants was in school today!
looks really good in the suit!! ^3^
tjan has an eye for detail really. who would have noticed his suit was too big for him with just ONE glance??!
where's mr marker pen??
french tut was kinda fun. carolyn [tutor] is really nice and she gets high just being in class.
there's no one that i know in this class. i think it's good.
alie [pronounced ally] who sat next to me is from LOM. why the coincidence?
radio's talking about UFOs now. ghost stories later~~~
11:25 PM
late night news.
this is kaman reporting the news m(_ _)m
first, the headlines of today.
weird dreams of siti samsudin, also know as nad-kun, have been make known to the world this morning.
famous artistes from japan's pop idol factory, johnny's entertainment, are reported to frequent this seventeen year-old's dreams. although dreaming is her speciality, her dreams are getting weirder and weirder beyond anyone's imagination. the most recent dream was one where tanaka koki, a kat-tun member, broke up with her over nasi lemak.
our news reporting team will be keeping track of more of such occurances. this is kaka-chan reporting live from temasek polytechnic.
now, switching the scene to the classrooms.
a group of 4 CMM students attended their very first french language class as part of a Cross Disciplinary Subject, CDS. the french lecturer was mr jerome, a boyish monsieur. he shocked the group with his low moo-ing nasal sounds and this made tjanhm, hui chan, to laugh uncontrollably in class. this caused a wave of giggles amongst the group distracting them from the lesson. the 4 girls found out a horrible truth after this lecture - french requires moo-ing.
lastly, to the HDB estates.
election efforts have been stepped up in Bedok. this was witnessed by a student who looks exactly like kaka-chan but claims not to be her. "i was walking past the PAP kindergarten this afternoon and saw technicians repairing the lights outside the centre."
this has indeed got to do with the upcoming elections.
thank you for tuning in to channel k's late night news.
i'm kaman. goodnight m(_ _)m
6:02 PM
i'm really happy today (^o^) don't know why.
watched the art of seduction with nad and denise. it was so funny!!! the male lead's kinda cute too~
the cinema was so empty it seemed weird laughing out loud.
mr marker pen's in school!
never see long pants and board shorts though. i think they're SIP-ing.
bought kat-tun's real face film!!! DVD taiwan version \(^o^)/ multi angle!!
i can't blog like before. it's always sentences now. not like the past where it's so paragraphy.
i'm really happy today again.
11:16 PM
oh gosh. the green tea beancurd dessert is G-R-O-S-S (>.<)"
yup yup a cute name for a cute guy~ mr marker pen
and i can't believe zy left a 'kaman's mark' folder on the desktop!!!!!!! (>o<)
my tagboard takes gazillion years to load. fed up.
i was wondering how wide the variety of videos youtube have and guess what i found....
-click here- *rofl*
chibi ryo cho kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! (^3^)
9:31 PM
orientation was so much fun!! all the cheering and singing.
although i'm not really a part of it... hahaha (^-^)
had so few cute guy photos today!!
saw VERY LITTLE of mr marker pen but spotted other cuties!! (^3^)
i think mr marker pen got so frightened by us yesterday that he wasn't wearing shoes the WHOLE DAY - even at the muddy reservior!! [i would NEVER be able to survive that..]
he was really really cute today too!! SUPER hyper and enthusiastic too.
lets start huiminandkaman.blogspot.com my darlin huimin~~ i lub you *muacks*
12:41 AM
i am so gonna appeal for change of elective.
12:33 AM
what a tiring day!!! photo taking and chalet.
but my eyes are not tired at all though.
because of........ him!!
what a CUTE synergy leader he is.
tjan and i was practically looking out for him the entire time!
snap and snap. there's 23 photos of him with me now (^o^)
he is so kawaii to the extent that i actually typed 'CUTE CUTE' unconciously while telling ra-ra about it. the sentence was supposed to be 'ogling at the cute guy only', with only one cute (^-^)
he's totally my kind of cuteness.
ok. i should stop all these rabu-rabu stuff about him. he is just A cute guy.
i felt SOOOO stupid taking his shoes. i only realised it after we ended and went back to the publishing room. and i can't stop thinking of it ever since (>_<)""
why is my english so bad???!! why?!!
11:41 PM
we found our ball bearing at last!!! (^o^)v
after much much seeking, the final product emerged in bugis within 4 hours. our previous efforts were a bit wasted though. demo... daijoubo. at least we have it now.
i wanted to show it off so took a photo of it. but without any background, it'll be weird. so... the backing is the board i got from mise on sat!! [gorgeous kame!! (^3^)]

a scan from may's issue of potato. obviously you can see why i cropped it this way although the focus is actually jin's ball bearing necklace (^-^) our ball bearing looks like it doesn't it??
the two tees i got from icon today and the most right one - a top from ampm bought on saturday. kireii ne!! did i really take that long in the fitting room?? (>_<)
signed up for youtube. wanted to upload videos but the copyright thing.... should i just don't bother?
6:42 PM
japanese desserts anyone??
the soba restaurant at paragon [not sure of the name... soba so good ??] is having a promotion from 2-5.30pm daily. Your choice of dessert with a glass of japanese tea for only 5 bucks!
that's like cho yasui ne~
sis treated me to that yesterday. i had cream anmitsu. pure shiawase-ness i tell you (^3^)
many many songs waiting for me to dl now cos i found a rm converter!!! YAY~ (^__^)
da vinci code is quite a good book. at least i am still reading it.
11:10 PM
no, i will NEVER have an all nad blog. whahah!! (^.^)
it seems like the tagboard is now a huimin nad and kaman chat room isn't it?? there's no one else taggin AT ALL!!!!! (>__<)
i'm currently reading the da vinci code. like really reading.
at page 65 of a book with 605 pages.
i found another jin chatline ad in the newpaper!! this time it's him with two girls. and the background is all fruits (-__-)
too lazy to scan that in..
ehh... how come there's the newpaper at home so often??!
i'm addicted to best of kat-tun!!!
kyaaa~~ (^3^)
hai! kaman deshita~!! m(_ _)m
11:43 PM
guess what??!!
thank you thank you thank you nad!! arigato gozaimasu!!! love that girl!!
this made me happy the WHOLE day!! (^-^)
nad's first jap meal was with me!! whahah.
and it was damn expensive.
and nad found her ball bearing!! finally!!
it's the nad entry today (^.^)
aren't you honoured nad??
11:15 PM
jin and ryo became chatline ad models!!

ryo's ad found in today's wan bao.
WHAHAHA!!! (^o^) ryo looks really bad!! there was a kame ad before too i think. this is so silly!! but only shows that they're good looking. or else why would they be in such ads ne??
go niko go!! go be middleman and tell johnny san!!! *rofl*
1:55 AM
lemon cheesecake kitkat tastes like lemon cream crackers with a slight sour cheescake taste.
sakura kitkat tastes like some cereal but it's nice (^-^) i've not tasted sakura but it smells hana-ish so i suppose it is.. (-_-)
the kitkat website is so cute!! they have a english vocab game for japanese students to 'revise' english. and recipes too!! looks cho oishii!! (^o^)
kind of movie marathon-ed with nad. 2 movies - ice age 2 and tristan and isolde.
ice age 2 wasnt as good as the first but it was funny. cute!! *when you're extinct and you know it clap you hands*
tristan was crap. more or less crap.
there's a mindless online flamer that is degrading poly students like dirt on maple forums. what an immature and senseless JC student he is. things he said really pisses me off but i'm not gonna shoot him and be as childish (>_<)
kame is being attacked by yarakashi [which i assume is irritating fan girls]!!! those girls told kame to shut up during his MC!!! how can they??!!! paying for a kattun concert to hurt them?!! don't they have better things to do?! and rumors say the next target is jin. wth. like one is not enough.
kame is already tired and worn out - in fact all of kattun is, and such stupid matters come up. reports said that kame actually looked as if he was on the verge of crying when he heard the yarakashis. poor boy!!! he must have been really sad (T_T)
but he's getting better now.. with the support of ATTUN (^__^)
seems like there's some kattun fans going to sho-kun's solo con and arashi con to do the same thing! at sho-kun's con they said : f**k off sakurai! and at arashi con they held uchiwas reading : aiba no baka. and crossed aiba's face. the yarakashis even threw towels at their faces!!
and they planned to sneak knives into the venue to hurt fans and arashi!!!
WTH!!! this is way way way too much!!
JE better do something about those troublemakers FAST! these people are absolutely hentai!!
1:03 AM
wanted to watch the whole of 1 litre of tears by mon but looking at the rate i'm going, i don't think so. only at disc 3 now.
i'm hooked on emperor again! it's a really addictive (fun?) game. building ancient china cities and stuff. sounds quite stupid but it requires ALOT of brains [which i am trying hard to develop.. >.<]
and maple is a thing of the past. really bored by it now.
do you know that pringles potato chips are from Procter and Gamble [P&G]?
10:59 AM
i've uploaded the photos from the shanghai trip here.
best viewed with slideshow.
saw kosing yesterday. she hasn't changed a bit!!
two As and a B for A level result is not 'ok la'!! it's damn good can!!
looking forward to chalet~ (^-^)
9:27 PM
GC has came to an end. [note: i did not say finally]
i am quite sad actually. i'm so gonna miss those guys, miss shanghai and all the fun we had together. this trip could not have been this great without you all.
TV05 rocks!!
it's the first time i think my class rocks. for the first time the whole class, all 24 people, bonded so well!! even the CMM class isn't as good.
i loved this whole experience!!
tjan asked me to join her for the ms-ng-sell-business-school thing. why not ya? gonna learn from that jonathan guy on tuesday.
TV05 chalet on 19th.
1:56 AM
it's 1.40am and i'm still online doing nothing. just felt like using the comp.
today's my first physio session and i was late even though we cabbed there!
it was very simple - just some strengthening exercises and she relaxed some of the sore back muscles.
my therapist joanne is very nice. but she speaks very fast (^.^)
it's no good staying up hoping i will get inspiration for journals. it'll just not work.
gonna call it a day~

5:09 PM
tadaima~!! i'm home!
suzhou hangzhou shanghai was GREAT!!! \(^0^)/i totally loved the trip. one week is way too short. i wanna stay there longer!! xiang yang market!! i wanna shoppppp~~ (>.<) we had so little time to shop! and there were soooo much good stuff!! hahaha it's very cliche but i really had the time of my life.
here's xitang. very pretty.
the peach blossoms! omg! they are extremely gorgeous!
that's all for now. more updates to come.
stay tuned!