There's much to be happy about ain't it? Another year passed and things have changed, new opportunities came. And for me, I think it's all for the better.
Since it's the end of a year and everywhere's doing a looking back of 2005, I shall join in the fun!
Jan - Can't remember anything... (-___-)" cos i'm actually referring to my phone calendar and since there's nothing there... and plus my short term memory..
Feb - Changed my specs! And at that time I was still attending city harvest church. Went to genting with uncle fung.
Mar - Shanghai!! Great experience. Made new friends through GC and there's even a GC bbq next year. WOW. Although we didn't make it to Perth, but Shanghai was just as good. And phuket too!
Apr - Start of year 2! Which I was in a different class from the rest, was kinda sad at that time.
May - Not sure what happened too... Must have been crazy school stuffs.
Jun - Winnie's in town!! And Tania's wedding.
Jul - First time to cosfest at downtown east
Aug - Churning out the biz school photo slideshow among all other workload [and which is still not sure if it's been approved by DD]
Sep - Went to Hatyai! Lovely place to shop!! And... IMF! Another great exprience... which got me into photog. Met another load of people who are still in touch now.
Oct - Ron's shoot. End of the 3 video series and I'm really glad to have been part of it from beginning to end! S2006 thank you dinner at vivo. First time helping willy for shoot. Went for late late night/early early morning shoot at woodneuk.
Nov - Willy's events again. Got the merit prize for something old something new photo competition. NYAA YPN thank you dinner which was great and I wore my lovely trench coat~
Dec - Ric's love me please shoot. This has got to be the highlight of the year! Met so many lovely people who I'll most probably get to work with again. Very first time being in a short film production team. Total eye opener.
Last event of the year - - - - Going to JB (in a few hours)
I've been a good girl and went to the dentist twice this year.
This year's basically filled with photography throughout. First was the slide show which took up several months, then was IMF and then onwards have been photog and photog... (>_>)
There's this TP guy who I keep bumping into everywhere I go. Be it school or out of school.
He's from business too I think. Always see him in school, when I'm out with family and also just on friday when we were shooting! We were about to leave bugis street waiting for the van to pick us up and he was there again! (o_O)
Such coincidence.
12:51 AM
YAYNESS!!! \(^0^)/
The four-day shoot for love me please is OVERRR!!! It was seriously great working with all of them. Crappy funny people. Although the hours are long and I'm the forever long suffering PA but it was still great being part of this production and knowing those people.
People missing from previous credit list:
Grip (2nd day) - Wilson [quite handsome guy with a japanese wifey]
Grip (last 2 days) - Ah long [quiet man but is a gooood grip. even i can tell.]
Soundman (2nd day and 4th day) - Nelson [another funny guy who told me to read the bible]
The talented talents again...
Zachary as dreamguy the paedophile [actors just have to be rah rah don't they? zach's another super funny guy. and a great actor]
Luke as Andy [thought he was kinda cute but when i saw him taking a pack of cigarettes after lunch... *cue glass shatter* (>_<)" he must have been really glad to be in this film, get to kiss felicia soooo many times] Rei as Julian [don't really know him cos he was only here for ONE scene. but i think he's jappy too, as can be seen from his name and nice nice kaban]
And for today, our last day, we had making out scenes! woooah~ But it was nothing much la... It can't even be rated as NC16. But the place where we shot at - Incity lofts - was a really nice place, though bad location... next to golden mile complex. Shooting at bugis is like the most horrible of all. Not only there's the crowd, there's noise and rain. There was a TOTALLY jinxed scene which was supposed to happen at the back alley at bugis village. BUT it rained whenever we wanted to shoot it. Even after it was re-scheduled, it still rained. Just when we were about to start that scene, the rain will definitely start. So it was scraped in the end. And guess what, today - when the scenes were ALL indoors, the weather just had to be so fine. So now I know that a production assistant has to:
- Buy meals, drinks and snacks
- Take care of wardrobe [seriously not an easy job. had to like wash smelly socks, lug around tons of clothes and make sure they're clean, handle smelly shoes etc etc etc..]
- Do logging
- Be security guard
- Run errands like buying ice, props etc..
- Control traffic
I hope my schedule can fit Ric's and Tania's next production!!
Tania's shouldn't be much of a problem, but Ric's.... Should I just like skip school?
And for Tania's maybe I'll try being the art director. Seems good.
9:56 PM
Work as production assistant is kindaaaaaa fun.
Basically it's just running around doing errands and being an equipment security guard. Well, I'm in charge of wardrobe as well. And wardrobe is one tough job to handle. Carrying the clothes alone from one location to another is bad enough. It totally just makes it worse that the guys present are so ungentlemanly and would not lift a finger to help (>________<)"" And what's more, there's the horrid rain to deal with. But the crew is still a kinda nice bunch of people. Let's do a credits list for love me please.
Director & Executive Producer - Ric Aw (who is also the scriptwriter and is kinda hippy. edit: looks young but is married and knows ALOT about jeans)
Producer - Pei Choon (who is a muslim! converted through marriage. wow.)
Art Director - Tania Sng (no need for an intro isn't it? i've known her for like 3 years already)
Production Assistant (Props) - Tian (edit: grouchy when lacking sleep!! this girl needs all the 8 hours/day! she's also working as a print producer for a photographer)
Production Assistant - ME!!
Make up artist - Karen (who's so very into japan stuff too!!! fashion music shopping language and whatever else. edit: who has a phone that i want SO BAD!!! samsung Z710 which is not officially sold in singapore)
Director of Photography - Pok (look like joshua [from cages]!!! edit: funny guy who has a vodafone phone)
Gaffer - Daniel (speaks cantonese to me and is very nice and keeps thanking me. gives me the feeling like the adrian of the creative room)
Grip - Michael (from film sound video? wearing a 'fsv crew' shirt... so should be)
Soundman - Jenn (a guy please... called jennhui. and he's really funny. and another who looks young but married already. edit: found out that he is 30 but i still thinks he look at the most 23)
Lastly, the talented talents... The Cast
Mag as Mag (nice girl who smokes like a chimney. edit: she is exactly like huiling. 100% twins!!!)
Felicia as Kelly (pretty girl who doesnt speak to me. edit: she works at agnes b but quitting for singtel. WOW, i'll so rather agnes b)
The most accomplished thing I did today was to.................. decorate 3 sheets of purikura!!! LOL! Cos can you believe it? NO ONE (in the crew) knew who to use that machine (O.0) WHAT?????!!!! It's just a puri machine!! But anyhow, they spent $25 on puri today. So fun~~ Although it wasn't me who took the puri, decorating it is still nice. And I haven't took any in ages already!!!!! When are we going to take puri together???!?!?!??!!! Puris is getting more expensive. It's like $11/sheet now!!! For quite some machines.
And at the puri shop at bugis, there was the kpo chee ko pek who kept pretending to not be interested in our filming but kept walking past the shop and peeking in to see who's filming. Like whaaaattt.... Kpo then kpo la! Still want to pretend pretend. Tsk.
That hairdresser at bugis street level 2 is like such a horrid guy. LIKE HELLO?? YOUR SHOP IS LIKE DESERTED AND YET YOU ARE COMPLAINING THAT WE ARE HOLDING UP PEOPLE! what is this??!! You should be thankful that it is because we are shooting that people care to stop outside your shop and at least browse can?!!!! Ungrateful black faced ugly chimney hairdresser!
I'm on auto pilot tomorrow.
11:13 PM
Gifts received (clockwise):
- Aero bubbles chocolate
- Comfy furry slippers
- Purplish pink colourful sock
- Cherry earrings
- Giraffe swarovski necklace
- Funny chinese book
- 10 PACKETS of large size vita lemon tea!!!!
Missing from here is all the cards I got and tjan's nice nice moo moo tile that claims i love tjan (>__<)" and Val still havent given me my present!!!
Sis and I got SO VERY HIGH when we saw the lemon tea at giant!!!! AND SWEPT EVERY PACKET OFF THE SHELF. And the cashier keyed wrongly and charge for only 1 packet instead of 10! Christmas bonus!! (^0^)
Dad can really really keep secrets. HOW CAN HE NOT TELL US THAT HE BOOKED A ROOM AT THE FULLERTON HOTEL FOR CHRISTMAS EVE??!??!?!??????? It was only yesterday evening that I got to know that we were staying there. Mum and sis only got to know in the earlier part of the day too. And I was thinking I'm like the saddest thing on earth who is stuck doing assignments for xmas eve. Then they decided not to distract me from assignment so only told me about the GREAT SUPRISE at like 5pm. But anyhow, IT WAS STILL JUST AS GREAT!!!! \(^3^)/
It was a movie marathon night non stop~ Complete with IN-ROOM DINNER!! There was even complimentary snacks~ Watched akeelah and the bee, nightmare before christmas and the family man. Stayed up til 3am and woke at 7am! OMG.
The breakfast at fullerton was aaaaalright. Kinda disappointing for a hotel, not to mention such a up-there hotel... (-__-)
I'm so dead tired.
Work's at 7am tomorrow. And I have to wake at 5+.
1:46 AM
For friday 22 dec.
Another week of the hols gone. Why are term breaks so short??!!!!
But phew, assignments are kinda half done. Left with title sequence proposal!!! And that'll be quite a bit of work... (>_<) As for the other subjects... when school starts laaaa~ Just let me procrastinate til the last minute yea?
Went for rara's church musical with zy nad and tjan. Was kinda nice.. ra can dance SO WELL!!! Hopefully her ankle heals soon~
Got a job today. Production assistant for short film love me please.
Really excited!!! Although it totally destroyed my plans for the entire week (>_>) But well, since it was through tania, I thought should at least give some face. Pay is like close to nothing but it's still exposure for me. $100 for 4 days of shoot. Which is $25 per day. And it's around 12hrs/day, mind you. So it means that I earn enough money an hour for a plate of chicken rice. So the 4 days starting from 26 dec gives me around 40 plates of chicken rice. Who's for a chicken rice treat?
Anyways, the story's really cool. About screwed up teen girls and sex and lesbianism. And guess what, the school uniforms will be CHIJ. Like why am I not suprised?
It'll be shot at bugis most of the days. Which is kinda good. At least save on travelling time. [and the most important thing is that it is easy to find and familiar, unlike macpherson (-_-)]
I wanna work more, go out more, do more things everyday. Can't stand it that I'm so sluggish. I need some motivation, some action, some purpose in my life right now. I want to feel like time is being maximised so that each day is not wasted. I want to be stretched to see how much workload can I take.
Had a great great scrumptious dinner tonight since it is 冬至. Had the good old grandma style tang yuans too!! With brown sugar and ginger tea. YUMM!!! The roasted stuffs which I bought all the way from marina was quite disappointing though. And totally not worth the $30, might as well get crystal jade...
Was watching hk news just now and apparently, 冬至 dinner must have abalone, scallop and sea cucumber (?_?) But well, at least we had scallops... although small.
Watched exile after dinner. Like OMG 吴镇宇 is like sooooooo charming la!!! [ok, I know he's kinda old and all. 老饼 as sis puts it. but whatever.] That mature, manly, charismatic charm (O3O) kyaaaaa.... And he looks really good in the movie, with the coat and cigar. The movie itself was good too. Really special cinematography [and yes i have to start going into film theory all over again..] and lighting.
Funny why I don't think takeshi kaneshiro is charming. At least not the O-M-G gorgeous kind.
I wonder if my hello kitty make up pouch will be used in love me please.
11:20 PM
Had a great catching up today with ria, joyce and stepho! \(^O^)/
Everyone was still the same old them and we were still the same old us. hohoho~ and who would have guessed, stepho is into newS, k8 and kattun too!!! Another fellow crazy fangirl to whine and kyaaa with...
So sad val couldn't make it for the dinner with us... Hope her brother's engagement tmr goes well! Lunch with aquafire today was great too! Vegetarian steamboat which mum wants me to bring her to again next week (-__-) And they bought us tau sar piah~
And lunch just totally turned into a gossip session of screwed up relationships (>_>)"
Went to do the radio interview yesterday at UOB plaza during the fitness@work event. It didn't go so smoothly though. Everyone rushed off after the exercise and it was almost all aunties there. And couldn't get the in-charge cos he insisted that got to get permission from health promo board (>_<)
Anyways, after that was done, I went to spend some time with myself. It's nice to be alone on purpose. Then strolled past clark quay to liang court for dinner at the japanese tonkatsu restaurant tomton. Had kyushu ramen which was aaaalright but that chashu was HEAVENLY!!!! Only ONE piece for an entire bowl of noodles. No wonder chashu is like the best part of ramen. It was the simply wonderful melt-in-your-mouth kinda succulent fatty meat. OMG I'll just die of obesity. Ramen isn't really my kind of food, the flavour's too strong and I don't like the ramen itself. And I immediately regretted ordering the ramen when the japanese ojisan beside me had his tonkatsu set in front of him. IT LOOKED SOOOOO GOOD!!!!!! (>___<)"" The next time I go back I am definitely having that. DEFINITELY.
Then after dinner was to mediya and bought...... LOTTE CRUNKY WALKING BAR!!!! (^3^)
All I want for christmas is....
1) Weighing scale for baking
2) Measuring cup
11:33 PM
I fell sick yesterday. booo. (>_<)
Fever last night went up to 38.2 degrees and fell to 37.6 degrees this morning. Feeling better now but there's still a pounding headache at one side of the brain. And my throat feels funny. Like there's some air bubble stuck up there.
Falling sick is the most horrendous thing. I guess this time is due to the lack of sleep and food plus the overload of work these 2 days. And of course, the bad weather. How weak can I get??!!! It was just 2 days!!!
I just love MY GIRL!! It's such a great drama!!! Watched 7 episodes in one go today. He is so cute, and he is so good looking and she is so funny (^o^) I want a brother like him~!!!! (^3^)
Dad and I went looking for handphones yesterday. He suggested I get the nokia 8800, which is aloysius' phone. That's like OMG expensive!!!! Although it's a nice phone... but if I use it, it'll be scratched and dented and whatever nots in no time (>___<) no, no, no let's just get a more violence-resistant phone. Which is.....???
10:46 PM
I had no idea that 2 days can be so long and SO MUCH things could actually be done!!! There seemed to be endless hours for yesterday and today. But despite being so worn out, I really enjoyed myself this 2 days!!! Enjoyed very much~~ (^o^)
First was the photoshoot for MEP in the first half of the day. We had so much fun!!! Or maybe it's only me who had fun... But anyways, the photos came out really nice!! It's the very first time I'm shooting in raw (not cooked, as adrian put it....). And shooting with lights is really troublesome!!
Thanks to aquafire too for their studio space.

So after this long shoot tjan and i headed down to orchard hotel at about 4pm for willy's events.
The very first thing willy said to us when we arrived was... "I've got to split you two up today." DOUSHITE??? (T_T) oh wells, he's da boss. But it turned out quite good that we got split up I guess, or else we would be just talking and talking all the way.
So tjan stayed at the hotel for the AIA D&D while i went to get the live!studios shirts with willy. I thought it was just downstairs in the car or something but we ended up driving to simlim in david's car. The process was so hectic!! only if I knew how to work the car a bit, just a teeny bit would have been better. Anyways, after that we went back to orchard hotel to drop the shirts and left again in willy's car. This time was to Grand Plaza Parkroyal hotel next to funan. So, I was to help out at the wedding shoot.
Guess who i met there???!! Mark! - lionel's videographer friend! And at that time i knew him, he was trying to work with aquafire but it didnt go well. Now he's working with willy doing live video for events. Like how small can the industry get??!!! (O.O) His company is no longer the cool name for m-a-r-k but EC&P.
The wedding ended well at around 11++pm and we went back to orchard hotel. Packed up and went for supper!! Supper was at the makan place beside allson hotel again. We finished eating only around 2AM. And it was decided that I should follow willy's car and go around singapore with them before getting a ride home.
First stop, at 2+am was to simlim square. It was actually still opened!!!! It's the first time I've ever been in a shopping centre at this kinda time... Really fun!!! It was totally deserted (well..duh) except for that one shop which was burning the photo cds for the sunburst youth camp. It's also the very first time that I actually took notice of the signboards for each shop. Four of us (willy, han, justin and i) went in and transformed into skilled mass packinging workers. We were soooo efficient in putting all the 180 cds into the cases (^-^)
Next was to RELC, which i had no idea where it was cos i kinda dozed off during the journey. The place was kinda cool too, it's a hotel catering to international students or smtg like that. There were quite a bunch of people partying away in the auditorium and some others walking around the lobby in their PJs (>_>)" Then there were also some left behind culutral exhibition things.. And that was 3am.
After handing over the cds, was back in the car... to willy's place. Just when I was to doze off again, the braking of the car caused the box behind me to crash into my head!!!! OUCHHHHH!!!! And I became a zonked out after that. We reached sengkang, unloaded some stuff at willy's place and left at 4+AM. Eventually, I reached home at.... 4.40AM!!!! like (O.O)
This is definitely the earliest i've ever came home. And there was singlecam PSA shoot at 10AM today!!! (O.O)
WE FINISHED PSA FILMING!!!! *bounces around the whole house* YAYAYAYAYAY!!!
We managed to finish everything despite the drizzle and the LACK OF MANPOWER and CRANKY CAMERA!!! WE ARE SUPERWOMEN!!!! At first we wanted to shoot on a slope which turned out horrible with all that squishy grass. Then it started to drizzle a little. So we had to move the one ton worth of equipment back up the hill to shelter. Just when we about to shoot at another place, the drizzle came again. We even drafted a wet weather storyboard. But in the end we kept the camera under the shelter and shot EVERYTHING!!! I AM SO SO SUPER UBER GLAD.Our wonderful last minute storyboard.
Even though the filming was only this morning, it feels as though it was yesterday already. Just like how tjan and i felt the aquafire shoot was days ago after we ended work yesterday.
2 days seemed to have become 4 days!!
12:34 AM
Had a great time catching up with vla vla (val that is) today. Even though we haven't met up for at least a year, it was still the same old us. (Please take out that 'old') Talk and talk and talk all day long~ But the IDOITIC assignments just had to be there nagging away in my head. $%#& totally destroyed the wonderful day~
And went back to aquafire and had another round of catching up. Gonna go back on friday with my dear vla vla as my model for the photoshoot. For MEP. boo.
PTC chumorrow followed by big fat greek wedding for CCC. Actually, it's not even 9 hours away. I've just scripted and am so troubled with my hair!!! Can't just let it hang loose, can I? (>___<)
The recital which rara, tjan and i went to yesterday was kinda nice. And the pieces are stuck in my head. Complete with their arrangement. I like the string quartet.
I should learn an instrument to make me feel less useless.
11:29 PM
The job that I almost got yesterday was actually for waiteik, a local photographer. That's like so cool!!! He's releasing a photography book on asian men. woo~~ His photos are kinda nice, no, they're really nice.
Like OMG we saw willy, david and han at cathay photo today. How small can singapore get??!! Well, ok singapore's really kinda small (-__-) But what a coincidence to see them there.
The batam trip's officially cancelled. They are fully booked for the weekend (>____<) I AM SO DISAPPOINTEDDDDD!!!!
The thought of assignments is already enough to kill me. We should really get the shooting of PSA done soon. REAL SOON.
12:39 AM
YAY!! The dreaded CCC test is over!!! woohoo!
So far, there's 3 events for the rest of the week.
Wednesday - Going out with Val
Friday - Willy's event (don't know what yet)
Sunday - Sentosa photo trip with Jason and others
And obviously missing is a thing called IMakeFriends camp. It's been cancelled. And I am kinda pissed. For one, I MADE DAD CANCEL THE BATAM TRIP AND THE WHOLE FAMILY GOT UPSET BECAUSE OF IT. After all the hype about it, it's still back to zero. And now I really wanna go to batam!! hmmppphhh!! That beautiful seaside villa and the gorgeous seaview, the cooling sea, and the well deserved break!!! urrgghhh!!! For second, well.... yea that, you know it.
I know they are all trying and preparing so much for it to happen. But the date that has been agreed on so long earlier, shouldn't it just happen? After making plans go around this faithful weekend, now it's all cancelled. Like how nice yea?
Minerva's supposed to be back from Perth and we're gonna have a..... MRU gathering! MRU is like sooooo old school. Had to take a few moments to decipher that term just now. We're going ice skating? Or shall we cycle? Or maybe.... just eat and slack (which I definitely prefer...) LOL. No la, I am for cycling.
Almost got a job today. Keyword, ALMOST.
It all started with mel coming over asking if i wanna work, ms chee got lobang. Then of cos ok ok la, the pay is like $60/day or something you know. So then chatted a while with waiteck (ms chee's friend i suppose) and left for IKEA. During IKEA, he called back and said there was miscommunication and they had enough people. boo... A 3 day job... Gone with the call. Perhaps pearlyn got the job. Since Singapore is a collective society, people will tend to speak in implicit language. OMG CCC. Kill me.
And this job is photography related???!?!!! Some photography book or something...
1:14 AM
The entire day was just spent mugging and mugging non stop. Well, actually not exactly NON stop considering I napped quite a bit. hahah~ And I ate/snacked alot!!! Or else won't be able to keep myself awake going through the horrendously boring CCC notes.
Lalala~ It's the holidays already!!
Can sleep in everyday!!! YAY! \(^o^)/
12:45 AM

Kenny yong actually knows the results for the something old something new competition. When I stepped into the studio he went like "Hey merit award winner". And I was like *huh? blank*. Ticktockticktock... "OMG you actually know about it??!!!"
Nothing's safe on the internet... So scaryyyy!!
YAY! Today, considering it's counted as 8 Dec already, is the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! So exciting!!! I have big plans this break~~
Can I chuck CCC aside??
12:57 AM
I fell again today. Was rocking the chair in the studio and the chair just slipped! The studio floor is like SO SO SO slippery!!! (>_<) Almost another blow to my poor spine. But luckily for my big ass which acted as a buffer to reduce the impact of the fall. Gotta go to the doctor tomorrow just in case.
Sis and gorilla came back to school just to pick me up. And bought delifrance sultana croissant and supashake for me! Heal my little stomach that is always deprived of food.
Ah!! The mac screen box! Still in studio!
10:19 PM
Now I finally came to realise that it is actually not that I am lazy or busy to go online recently. It is actually because sis is hogging the computer and I don't really get a chance to use it until late when I am so uber sleepy. Internet withdrawal symptoms like reading a BOOK, and going for a swim (an actual swim in the pool with water *splashsplash*) are starting to surface. And it cannot be predicted what other crazy/abnormal behaviours will appear. Hence, to conclude, sis is guilty of depriving me of internet time and should be sentenced to housework chores for the whole of next week.
But things will be getting better cos we are expecting a laptop soon!! woohoo~ It's because I want it according to dad. hahah!
Vietnam's wrigley's chewing gum is nice! Softer and chewier than others.
To me, that is.
To do list
- Send emails out for OSIP
- Upload resume and SIP data form
- Research for radio proposal
- Digitise MEP footages
- CCC student guide/proposal
- Studying for the (>0<) CCC test
Quite alot isn't it? But it's only for this week.
To do list (continued..)
- Go to IKEA
- Watch Flags of our fathers and Happy feet
- Make maltesers ice cream
- Watch Big Fat Greek Wedding with the gang
- CCC individual assignment
- Practise Radio, MEP
- Singlecam PSA shooting
- Going out with val, yiling etc...
- Visit to Aquafire
- Broadcast PTC shooting
That's all I can think of for my holidays so far. Seems like the holidays will be too short.
11:36 PM
Finally! End of the week!
I'm seriously lacking sleep this week with ALL 9AM mornings!!
But actually it won't make any difference tmr too since mel's coming over to film again.
Sis must be really good in her course huh. It's not easy to be offered an advance placement in SMU. I'm proud of her. I wonder if I can be the same. But of course, that'll never happen. Oh wells.
Just one more week to the holidayssss~!!
Today's EA tour wasn't exactly a great thing for a saturday morning. But still, kinda interesting to know about other cultures. And the japanese were so cruel during WWII! (>__<)"
I've still not grown up yet. So I'll like BIG presents rather than meaningful cards!! Christmas christmas~~ Santa Claus is coming to town~!!