It was MARK! (O.O)
Of Singapore's entrie 4.7 million people, it is such a HUGEEEEE coincidence that both of us happen to be at the same place at the exact same time!!! I am in shock. I thought that after graduation I would not have a chance to see him anymore.... but.... I was so wrong! *faints* Seriously, how can it be SOOOOO coincidental?! It's like as though I am a stalker or something *shudders* I think he's with the events team.
Anyhow, today's event was (o.O) weird.
It's halloween today and yet the event was..... a car launch.... CHRISTMAS-THEMED no less. The car was..... normal I guess? It was a Lexus something something (can't be bothered to remember car models at all). Perhaps the car has like terrific engines or seats or braking or whatever else but it looked normal (^-^)"
Another weird thing is that WE ENDED SUPER EARLY!!!
The whole thing ended before 10pm!!! It's the earliest earliest event ever!! We even had time to sit down and eat (although they were leftovers from the buffet)! The laksa was good!
I'll be going down to help out tomorrow too~
YATTA! Work for two days~~!! Sadly I can't go on friday since it's mum's birthday.
omg that's fast
3:03 AM
3:03 AM
Mum's birthday is this friday.
which means...
My birthday is next saturday.
I am getting old!!! ZOMG. 19!!! Nineteen!!!! Last of the teen years IN MY WHOLE LIFE!!! I kinda have alot of regrets up till now. There's so many things I THOUGHT of doing but never could. I thought I can actually have an exciting life, the I'm-young-so-I-can-do-ANYTHING kinda life. But it seems I kinda failed in doing that, at least until now. Like I would like to try smoking (but just ONE puff), be a waitress (yes, I am very interested in trying out in the service industry) and alot of I-can't-remember-whats.
Not that I am very unhappy with my life, in fact I am very thankful for all the wonderful things that happened, the awesome things I experienced, the great people I met, my fabulous family and everything, but I thought I could make more out of life, out of myself.
I hope it's still not too late!!
Donut factory is not really that nice after all.
I felt like crying AGAIN! AGAIN!!!!
It is so bad. Can somebody just kill me?!??!
I have no idea what on earth is happening to me but all I know is that this is ABNORMAL and WRONG! It was just a normal, same old webcam conversation!!! I am not supposed to get all emo and think of things I'm not supposed to think of and most importantly, I am not supposed to cry!!!
Somebody talk some sense into me please!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
please brush your teeth
12:20 AM
12:20 AM
zomg it's hilarious.
my uncle (i dunno what is our relationship actually... my mum's cousin is my......?) came over and he brought this disc with him.
hk's love teeth campaign.
and he's in it! ROFLLL
but zomg he looks so cute!!!
please brush your teeth well. and REMEMBER TO FLOSS!!
Friday, October 26, 2007
ganbatte ne!
1:05 PM
1:05 PM
Felicia is finally off to work in Heshan~!!!
It came so fast. I am really excited for her. Hope she can really enjoy it there cos it's like I more or less recommended her there... (^-^)"
It's weird, although I don't really know her personally, but it seems like we are able to connect somehow? She is really one brave soul. 2 years!!! It's amazing.
ZOMG I love her collection. Lemme go flip through STYLE later...
YATTA!!! I got a job I got a job~~ ... kinda.
Although it's just one event, but who cares as long as it is PAID (^o^)v
I like going for willy's events. It's nice meeting people. Really nice.
I needed enlightenment and I got it last night.
It's amazing how just a few sentences from you can help me so much.
Are you like some miracle healer or something? (Ok, perhaps you are just a counsellor/social worker XDD)
Thank you alot alot.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
what should i do?
1:17 AM
1:17 AM
I am very confused right now.
I know I really shouldn't but I keep doing it.
She needs to hear what she wants to hear.
But I feel really bad for keeping from her.
It's the third week since I am back.
Yet I still cannot control it no matter how hard I try.
It's just.... very difficult.
How much time will I ever need?
I should just migrate.
Monday, October 22, 2007
White lie?
2:56 AM
2:56 AM
I lied.
I'm sorry.
Yes, I knew it all along. What I told you today was lies. LIES.
But how can I bear to tell you? I have asked personally and so I know the cruel truth. I was reluctant because I knew you would not like it. While talking to you, I got tempted to burst your bubble with that truth, but then you tell me that you would want to escape from reality, so I kept it in again.
There are many things I've not told you. I thought those things are better off untold - at least not to you. I'm not sure if I am trying to keep your fantasies alive or am I indulging in my own selfishness for not telling you.
But if you happen to find out one day, I can only say I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I lied.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
tell me why
12:56 PM
12:56 PM
WHY is it so troublesome to apply for a visa into singapore?
WHY are idd calls so expensive?
WHY have i not started on my report?
WHY do i always die during bomberman?
WHY is it so unfair?
I just had a S$8+ phone call with queenie.
It's just 10cents per min and yet it's 8 bucks.
Calls to them are strictly after 6pm from now on.
But it's still friggin 5cents per min!
I saw it at raffles city yesterday. I got mine from foshan~~ tralala
IT WAS SELLING FOR A FRIGGIN S$45.90!!!! (O.O) shocku!
I got it for RMB50...
Friday, October 19, 2007
4:05 AM
4:05 AM
It's really depressing, that timetable (T^T)
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
3:31 PM
3:31 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
1:49 AM
1:49 AM
I don't get it!!!! I just randomly checked my yahoo mail and there! - one lone outstanding mail titled From Aquafire... I depart. ZOMG. It is very shocking. and depressing. I mean I love aquafire and would die to work with them as colleagues again and...shawn leaves. IT IS JUST SO SHOCKING!!! (>__<)
Ok i shall stop this *breathes* Shawn must have his very good reasons and dreams he want to pursue. I wish him all the best. (although i still don't get it!)
I shall knock on aquafire soon. Real soon. I am so excited to see the new office!!
Photography... it's weird how my last week of holidays is gonna be spent on it. Not that I really mind that much. It's just strange *shrugs*
I got myself a new blog! Yes, it's chinese but there're photos! I'll be uploading more photos of the past six months.. and well basically new photos as well.
This blog is still working though. Functioning english blog this will be.
It's good to separate things a bit.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
12:22 AM
一點起身,六點出去 - 同tjan出去食佐tomton。
Saturday, October 13, 2007
2:58 AM
2:58 AM
食下食下。。唔記得點解我提到‘好似我走佐6個月都沒人掛住我甘。。。’媽媽即時彈起,好多反對既聲音。乜真系咩?原來系有人掛住我的。。。雖然我尋日睇yiling個blog知道距掛住過我,我見到距甘講其實我好開心,真系feel倒有人care我走佐。但系屋企似乎系沒甘既感覺咯。沒錯距地都專登過去探過我幾次。。但總系好似feel唔倒甘。我知有d野系唔洗講出口,但如果講埋系米會容易get d lei?(可能太含蓄我唔系幾慣。。以前都好似唔系甘既 >_<)
救命~~~ 竟然打下打系又開始喊添。(T___T) 果然d淚系仲未流完。。。
每到深夜總會念埋d比較沉重既野。這就是所謂既solitude?講真甘既時間我都幾enjoy。平時瘋瘋地,懶懶地,開開心心又一日。至到夜晚,念返d野好似變佐有返d balance甘。幾好。
如果我唔講,系米都一樣有人會似我肚裡面條蟲甘了解我?(但我要聲明,我肚沒蟲,唔該。。。-__-) 其實有時連我自己都唔算完全了解自己。。 我真系想上下一d幫助自己發現自己,了解自己既course。。。
Friday, October 12, 2007
1:06 AM
1:06 AM

靚靚生日蛋糕~ 果然都系翡翠既蛋糕靚d。。 雖然只得個樣。。
但媽媽生日一定系距至愛的angie the choice芋頭cake! (N年前開始既指定蛋糕。。。-_-)


我地今晚晚餐只系在pizza hut解決。雖然都美味,但總覺得好似沒誠意。
聽日要早d起身等個冷氣人上黎裝部冷氣系個study room度。 爸爸話專登裝部新冷氣等des黎~哈哈哈 (^0^)。真系幾好喔~ 但study room依家部冷氣真系太太太嘈喇!!! (>__<)"
今個禮拜六系rei既show喇!!! 興奮!! 好期待見倒距的傑作啊! 同埋可以見到新果個felicia既collection添! 唔知禮拜六可唔可以到vivo睇lei??應該唔會有野做掛??
不如我整d曲奇餅咯?or蛋糕好d?? 好耐沒郁過手整野喇!! 竟然俾我見到超市有返以前有果只好味cream添! 又點忍心俾距寂寞坐在超市既冰冰櫃內lei?
我都唔知自己點解甘鐘意寫blog。沒野做就亂打一輪。一日成幾個entry都得。。。記得我有段時間仲系control住自己要每日一個entry搞到次次midnight一過就update然後又發現第二日afternoon沒quota打。。都幾無聊 (-_-)。都系想打幾多就打好d~ 所以明天又肯定有一大輪野寫~哈哈哈
一定要好好照顧自己先得架!! 加埋平日甘多又煩又瑣碎既事。。一定要加倍take care!!
唔好念甘多公事喇! 放松d~ 放松d! 加油!加油! (^0^)9
我好似高佐啊!! 開心開心! *心* \(^o^)/
估唔倒我都仲有得高!!! 幾好幾好! 一起做多d運動先得!!!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
3:40 PM
得閒的我? 悶又唔系,唔悶又唔系。
HAPPY 21ST CHONG! \(^0^)/
2:28 AM
2:28 AM
Sorry loves, I was kinda dead today. Give me some time to adapt ok? Things are still a bit, ok scrape that, VERY messed up for me. Perhaps after a week or so it might get better? (>_<) ZOMG NAD CAN DRIVE!!!!! YOU'RE SUDDENLY SO.... GROWN UP!!! I SWEAR I WILL LEARN TO DRIVE TOO!!!
我的英文能力真系差佐啊!!!! 救命!!!! 想表達既野都好似已經唔識講喇!! 返學都真系驚驚地。。同人傾計,寫report。。。 點算!??! (>__<)!!
我今次准備d野好少,又覺得沒誠意。。。但我真系唔知可以點。一來,沒mood,二來,又沒時間。爸爸生日我每年都想搞搞新意思但禮物,蛋糕點都只得那幾款。點解生日會甘煩惱?! 平時想送野又好似甘容易甘。。。唔公平!!
用錢方面,我知道我的確唔系好謹慎,我亦都會努力改。但要做到處處睇住價錢,計較一蚊幾毫,我真系須要好一段時間。 點解生活要甘現實,要被錢銀控制著?!
打擊最大應該系爸爸。本來念住份工可以穩穩陣陣挨到我大學至少兩年。。。 點知會有甘既消息。一把年紀,找工又難,轉行?唔通真系要駕的士?! 甘辛苦既工。。。我地點會願意見倒距去挨?
話會聖誕前知道結果,到時。。。我再念下大學d野會唔會太遲?今日聽fd講,個個都已經有plan想去邊度讀大學。澳洲的確好有吸引力,但我而家既情況肯定唔得。本地讀咩?見到家家讀到甘,我真系好心痛。甘多年黎,又有幾時見到距要甘博命讀書。。簡直兩個人。我?挨就梗架喇,但要挨邊科好?容易d就普通psycho,social。or我應該全力以赴死都要挨既mass comm?最大問題系我未來想做既job其實系唔多須要paper qualification,讀出來都系純粹為有張紙仔,真正既用途我真系睇唔到。雖然有張紙肯定好過沒張紙,但我其實事業真系沒什麼理想,低低的職位,開開心心地做就滿足。始終,我都只系想做個家庭主婦,有個開心的家就夠。可以話沒什麼大志,但我真系甘就滿足架喇。
呀~~~~ 救命呀!!! 講埋d甘既野我突然好似老佐10年!!! 唔再講喇! 逃避下現實得唔得??!
With power comes responsibility.... WHY??!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
4:36 PM
4:36 PM






我好好好好喜歡d相同貼紙相啊!!!!! <3
(^3^) 每次睇倒都仲有d想喊。。。 (T^T)
本來以為我返黎距地會好開心,但點知。。。米不過如此。個個都忙 - 家返學好辛苦,mama同baba返工又累。so far 只系我一個人蕩來蕩去,買返d日用品,煮飯。
我今日本來滿懷信心念住煮餐勁既。仲念住電磁爐我用到熟曬喇。。點知一開始整返熱d湯就噥佐甘大件事! (-__-) mama的好味道葛湯就甘俾我浪費曬。好采,用返普通gas爐我都煮得幾好。有返以前的水准。
系米好正lei?! 有好fruity既芒果肉粒,鮮味的冬菇蒸魚,清清的芽菜炒鮮菇同不可缺少的青菜! 完美既一餐就在眼前! (唔計個湯既話。。。>_<)
其實而家我都幾擔心同d朋友會有個gap。始終分開佐甘耐。好似個blog甘,我之前系唔會用中文打,但而家都系覺得中文親切d。 雖然唔系好多人會明,但我自己既野最重要都系以後自己睇得返姐,人地明唔明其實都唔系最重要。
我真的能習慣返新加坡的生活嗎? 要幾耐先得lei?頭先連行超市都念起鶴山一起入貨的時候,又想喊。我好似仲有好多眼淚等住流出黎。
這6個月,我真系過得好好好開心。 從不認識,到熟悉,到分不開。。。而家念返如果當初我選擇留系本地實習,一定會好後悔。雖然有可能有不同的體驗,但俾我選擇都系鶴山好d。起碼遇到甘好的一班fd,又有個大佬同大家姐。
Sunday, October 07, 2007
3:04 AM
3:04 AM
Finally finally its the end of SIP!!! zomg life without work once again. YATTA!!!! \(^0^)/ Have been waiting for this to come since 2374345678 years ago. lol!
But i'm not entirely that happy cos leaving heshan and the whole bunch of them is really really depressing. And I've been emo-ing the whole week already (T^T) Totally cried my eyeballs out. Just thinking of it now makes me wanna cry all over again... GAHHHHH. BUT!!! I must be happy and think happy thoughts cos des and queenie came all the way down here to send me off so i must not be so emo and sad. I MUST NOT CRY I MUST NOT CRY.
Although i'm like half dead now alr but i still must blog cos it's the last time i'll blog in hk in the near future. i wonder when will i come back again. i hope its soon!!!! feel rather bad for not spending more time with winnie (>_<)
i'll be back home snuggling in my comfy bed with my flower flower blanket at this time tmr!!!
i'm really looking forward to going back! although i don't wanna leave here....
GAHHHHH!!! idiot mixed emotions.