Happy times flyyyyy by but i won't be sad this time cos i'll be home real soon (:
Anyways, these few days were the busiest/longest days ever in Perth! Woke up at inhumane times like 5+ am and walked the entire day for almost all of the past 4 days i'm so tired. But it was great! I love my daddy!! /beams

On saturday, we went for the Pinnacles tour which was fabulous though expensive.

Kangaroo feeding at Caversham wildlife park!! They shit more than they eat i swear. But they are so cute!!! (despite the wet fur from the drizzle) The roo roos are smaller than i expected though. The one at the Singapore zoo is huge!
We also saw koalas, lots of owls and a wombat which is like a hugeeee baby. Sad it rained so much.
The indian ocean!! It was sooooooooo pretty!!!

And sandboarding was tons of fun and i fell all over myself with sand all over my face, eyes, hair, scalp, ears, nose, everywhere!! hahaha but that was the best fall i ever had! And all caught on video! The sand's a pain to wash off though.

So now, i've gotta focus on history essay and study for exams and before i know it, i'll be home!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
of randomness and nothingness
10:33 PM
10:33 PM

I always had some phobia of anything almond, except just the almond nut. The smell and taste of almond essence used to be nauseating. But ever since I can't remember when maybe last year, I started loving almond cream. Especially those from HK dessert cafes. And this LULU drink, we had it so very often during OSIP last year. Yummy! Wish they have the big packet one here instead of the cans which costs 1.35AUD each!
On other news, I had lunch with Yvette at st tommy more college this afternoon. Free lunch! Suprisingly, hall food's quite good, then again all I had was a self made sandwich from the salad bar... Was gonna suggest going to Broadway (which after 3 months here I am still clueless of where it is...) for pizza but she suggested college instead. Not that I mind a free lunch, but i felt quite bad. Then looked around the college, quite a nice place despite sharing of toilets and bath and no air con. And yvette has a full length mirror frm ikea! Something that I can only wish for now and know i will never have again as long as i stay here. Long story this one, but I cant be bothered to think about it and type it out again. Dont ever want to go through those screwed up emotions again. Idiot. But 經一事,長一智。Just hope I wont roll my eyes at her whenever she speaks.
Friday, October 17, 2008
11:30 PM
11:30 PM
Today was aweeeeeesome.
Spent the entire day out shopping and eating~ Met huili and april + bf (i still cant remember his name...) after their classes and had lunch at Taka. It's much much more crowded and noisy than I expected. But food was good, not as cheap as mr samurai though. But good food so its still alright. Though i hate it that they use the chinese preserved vege (搾菜) instead of japanese pickles which i totally loveeee so so much >_< Then huili and i headed to harbourtown for crazy spending money towards the good cause of helping revive australia's economy XD Spent like about 100 bucks there ok! But love the things I bought, although kinda regretted getting one of the belts but it's ok. The levis tee is so so so so cute beyond words and i'm glad i tried it on after much persuasion from huili. LOL. So after our generous efforts to help the aussie economy, we met up with april + bf to go to curtin uni! It's HUGEEEEEE but super ulu pandan location and apparently a very dangerous place cos there's like robbery every day. They had a pasar malam tonight, but it was quite disappointing. No where near UWA's spring feast please. And the foods were super expensive though it was an event meant for students. I still can't imagine cup corn with whipped cream. EWWWW. Oh! and we met up with eunice and andrea! great to see them, and omg andrea's shoot at freo after 10pm! god bless that girl. Then after huili and the rest left, I met mad and her murdoch friends (i bet there were more students frm other unis than curtin students at the pasar malam) and got to know a CMM senior! LOL.
And somehow I am to be part of the crew for their shoot tmr. YAY production! and YAY murdoch uni! I want to visit that legendary farm.
So we reached home at about 11pm, thats 12 hours outside the house. Not at all a suprising thing back in singapore, but first time here and it feels damn good. I feel like having part of myself back again.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
cough cough
1:05 AM
1:05 AM
Think i'll choke to death from all the fur bits dropping from the blanket!
I was in the spring cleaning mood today so I diligently dumped everything to wash. One of my blankets is actually way too huge to be machine washed and dried but i dumped it in anyway. and I think the drying is like a chemotherapy for a blanket, after the very troublesome drying, it began dropping hair!!!! (>_<) When I brought it back to my bed to fold it up, the whole cloud of dust omg. My lungs are filled with those little little bits of fur/hair/dust what-do-you-call-it. I can feel my throat itching from all of it. EW.
And also, my mirror broke!!!
It fainted and fell face down when I was in the kitchen eating expired food. I am devastated. It's like I got so used to it and depend on it before I step out of the room every single time. Now it's goneeee! The bottom cracked beyond recognition and the frame broke too. Shall go hunt for a sturdy mirror soon. 10 dollar mirrors are no good.
I will have 7 years of bad luck.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
10:34 PM
10:34 PM
This cracked me up for the longest time. LOL!
Monday, October 13, 2008
maybe i'm stupid
8:58 PM
8:58 PM
I really dont know how to feel or what to make out of all these.
Maybe I'm dumb, maybe I'm slow but it's just so confusing!!
Perhaps you can help me out and tell me?
Sunday, October 12, 2008
how internet transformed us
11:31 PM
11:31 PM

Happy birthday daddy!! <33
That means... my birthday is coming soon! LOL
Thursday, October 09, 2008
i am a foodie
11:50 PM
11:50 PM
Food, glorious food!
Spring feast in school was awesome! Singaporean, Malaysian, Indonesian, Japanese, Thai, HK foods, loads of yummy asian food!! Chin chau drink in plastic bags (complete with the string!), cup corn, chai tau kuey, mee goreng, roti john, nasi lemak, pulut hitam, curry fishballs, gyoza, okonomiyaki, bubble tea, fondue and TONS of satay and lots more! Satay overload at the feast i say. But I love the smoke and free smells~
Though we didn't eat much but just satay and deep fried mantou with condensed milk is satisfying enough! I would have wanted to eat ALOT more, but being with a group of small eaters is good, this way I can eat less too.
Spent the afternoon at matilda bay to celebrate the last ANTH2239 tut. It's so good to have one less subject to read every week, although not many wks. THERE ARE ONLY 3 MORE WEEKS TO END OF SEM! OMG. Anyways, since ANTH2239 is so near matilda bay, thought I would check it out and especially cos I only just realised that there's a cafe there. Had the cheapest item available on the menu - wedges! YUMMM~ But the cafe's not that nice to sit out cos flies, other insects and seagulls kept harrassing me. oh, and how can i forget, the SUN! Dark coloured jeans and long sleeve top aren't the most comfortable clothes to be in under a scorching afternoon sun.
Think I'm slightly sun burned.
YAY pandan cake for breakfast tmr!
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
11:05 PM
11:05 PM
Last year's today was a significant day.
I can still recall everything that happened that day so extremely clearly. All the things that happened. I wonder if you remembered too. It's been one whole year already.
It's strange how I felt so happy about 8th Oct last night but now as I'm typing this post, I'm rather solemn and emo about it.
Came such a long way...
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
12:17 AM
12:17 AM
And I went to the art museum today. Rather nice there, alot of aboriginal and modern art. Museum shops always sell the best things.
So now, I must work really hard for my presentations and prepare really well for HIST2219 essay so that when dad comes, we can go play!
/edit at 12.14am 8 Oct.
Since it's stuff that happened on 7th Oct, let's just keep it here. And 8th is reserved for a certain special ocassion.
anyways, I'm relieved that it ended this way. yes, i do want to move out, have a nice place to call my own and do whatever i wish but not right now. the uncertainties are daunting. looking back, i'm really glad they convinced me not to move out last time. you can't judge a book by its cover. many things take time to surface and from then till now, i guess they pretty much showed themselves.
birds of the same feather flock together. i am just waiting for my flock.
cliche overload, this post.
Monday, October 06, 2008
12:51 AM
12:51 AM
I am so proud of myself.
I finished 2 assignments in like 3 hours!
Gonna reward myself with new jeans and converse.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
there it goes again...
10:10 PM
10:10 PM
Assignments make one GRUMPY.
boo :(
Friday, October 03, 2008
1:39 AM
1:39 AM
Welcome to ka man's Classic Yearbook Photo Gallery~

YearbookYourself is absolutely hilarious!!! and a great tool to try out different hairstyles before heading down to the salon LOL!! So.... which hairdo suits me best? Thinking of going to the haridresser soon.... hmmm..... XD
This must be the most unglam thing ever on my blog. ever.
And a forgotten photo from yesterday. Perth royal show ticket that costs 24 bucks!
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
perth royal show
11:04 PM
11:04 PM
Yesterday was PERTH ROYAL SHOW DAY!!
After much deliberation due to the bad weather, we still went ahead with our plan and headed to the show in the afternoon. It drizzled here and there the whole day, but thankfully it cleared by evening. The perth royal show is basically a carnival where you have to pay in order to get in to spend even more money. and the show is super country-like! Farm animals and farm animals, old school carnival game stalls, pasar malam style booths.
Upon entering showgrounds, rows and rows of showbag sheds line both side of the streets...

Furry i-cant-remember-his-name cow like creature! He's sooooo cute!!! and his fur looks so soft and cuddly.

LITTLE MISS!!! /hearts

So other competitions include sausages, olive oil, sheep wool, knitting, dolls and i cant remember what but alot of others.

That kid pulling the cow is only like 10 years old! and the second prize kid is only 7!! This competition is where the kids bring their cows and then get judged under some criteria that I have no idea cos by the time we reached, they were at the prize presentation alr. But it's like totally amazing how kids have their own cows and bring them to competitions!!!

Other than this kinda junk that we ate, we had alot of free samples as well. But samples are not the teeny weeny bits you get at supermarkets, but substantial amount that can fill your tummy! We had alot of milk, ice cream, cheese, mash potato, olive oil and bread, pancakes, honey, yogurt etc...

No F1 but this is not bad either. Precision driving show!! Vroom vroom~
Before this was like a wood sawing competition (we missed the wood chopping....) and an aussie entertainer steve armstrong performing. He sang the national anthem as his first song! OMG. The people actually sang along~

3 lollies bag, one magzine bag and IKEA catalouge with us on the cover!!!
I think this is the most amazing item from the show!! TA DA!!! The 2009 ikea catalogue! Introducing mad and kaman!
All the lollies from 3 bags, I bet I'll get diabetes. I got the hubba bubba bag entirely cos of the devil headband!!! KAWAII!!
Madison mag bag came with sunnies, singlet, washing powder, toothpaste, samples and vouchers.
Flower dress! 15 bucks! Such a steal.
And from cotton on, I got 2 of the same thing, different colour. 5 bucks each! CHEAPPPP. It's a tiffany cardi? That's what is written on the receipt XD

8 hours at the show left me with sore feet, feeling terribly unhealthy (cos all we had the whole day was oil, sugar and salt), 4 showbags, loving the fireworks, I thought that aussie is indeed a vast farmland but with incredible national/regional pride.
Total damage done: 83 bucks! like omg. It just doesnt make sense that you have to pay 24 bucks just to get in to spend another load of money. But it was worthwhile~ Once in a year, it's quite ok to spend like this. Just a small bit of regret for not playing some games for a huge soft toy though.
So today, slept in late and then headed to city hoping to buy a present for someone whose birthday is just 2 days away but failed tremendously and got distracted by the cotton on sale and other things like:

Present, present. How?