daylight saving ends in an hour or so. finally! no more awkward one hour difference! no more excuses for staying up late! but frankly speaking, saving the day hasn't affected me much though. it's just 60 minutes anyway.
on other news, i finished the entire 'slaughterhouse blues'!! i'm so proud of myself, my brain and my eyes. considering i only bought this 158-page book on thursday, it's quite a feat to have ploughed through it in 2 days! thankfully we have the thinnest ethnography of all or else i can srsly burn and die. so now, it's left with 60 pages of the dreadful theory of value book for next week. oh, and the violent debate... should be ok, geoffrey seems like he can really talk so i feel quite safe. it's gonna be april so soon, the horrendous month of deadlines!!
and so, bernice is really moving out ne. i is sad. why so soon?!! idiot crazy woman who talks rubbish without even thinking for a milisecond. and her noisy family is coming during may/june which is like my exam period which sucks big time. i really dont look forward to that. got to look for a place to move asap after exams!! god knows when she decides to go crazy on me and shoo me out. 'i treat you like my daughters' /rolls eyes
love love love shuffle!!! <3
Thursday, March 26, 2009
here today, goo tomorrow
9:42 PM
9:42 PM
Is this plain sadist or cute? I can't decide. All i know is that i have one awfully sweet creme egg in front of me and i will die of diabetes soon.
Easter in 2 weeks!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
12:27 AM
12:27 AM
Sunday, March 15, 2009
and thats my weekend
10:40 PM
10:40 PM
It was friday the 13th (again), and last friday, i went for the supposedly freaky freo prison torchlight tour with the anth2220 people. Not that scary, but still you would want to scream when those actors jump out of nowhere with weird stories to tell. Freo prison was suprisingly near and easy to find!!! Thankfully for uncle shane's advice or else i would have taken the bus and lose my way in a freezing cold freo. No pictures taken though, since i went to the prison with dad before. But i'm pretty sure our lecturer took many unglam shots of me >_<
Then, was saturday! I woke up bright and early, so early that i was still in time for mac breakfast in city!! Had a sudden hash brown craving and needed piping hot tea to warm me up so i headed to mac (i really dont like calling mac maccas, like wth maccas. aussies come up with strange nicknames for every single thing!!). The temperature difference is crazy!!! It didnt warm up until about noon and then it got burning hot.
Anyhow, saturday was the welcome bbq at king's park. April and aden picked us up in their new car and we drove to king's park!!! My virgin visit to king's park after half a year in perth!!! It was absolutely amazing!!! The view of the entire city, the river and all the green green grassssss! I have never in my life thought that I would be so comfy sitting on the grass in my tiny shorts and barefoot! But (clean) grass, wind and sun is really a terrific combination.
And finally, sunday, today! All i did was eat and be a glutton couch potato. After lunch, bernice and i marathoned 7 eps of 'hachimitsu to clover' straight right until dinner!!! Omg the snacking in between is horrific. After dinner was tv once again. tv is best on sundays - dance and rove!
Absolutely loved the feeling of bumming around on a sunday. Something I've not done in a long long while!
yay nad and tjan received my little letter of loveeeee.
AND OMG THE GOSSIP!! I AM SO SHOCKKKKED! will reply mail soon!!!!
Saturday, March 07, 2009
11:31 PM
11:31 PM
The last of the 2 concerts in 2 weeks!
Last week's was 'Mental as Anything' and today's was Shannon Noll!!! Awesssssoome! The place was exploding with people! We were in the mosh pit grooving to the music and even witnessed a drunk cat fight and a weird drunk robot dance LOL! It was fun, though better if we knew his songs.
Little moo moo baby is so adorable! The baby animals remind me of the perth royal show.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
moshiagemasu moshiagemasu
10:36 PM
10:36 PM
Do wa 'donuts' no do
Re wa 'lemon' no re
Mi wa 'minna' no mi
Fa wa 'faito' no fa
So wa aoi sora
Ra wa 'rappa' no ra
Shi wa shiawase yo
Saa minna de uta o~
Kyo wa first nihongo kaiwa session deshita.
Tanoshikatta!! (^o^)
Tanoshikatta!! (^o^)
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
10:32 PM
10:32 PM
Nothing seems to be going well today!!
Firstly, train service was delayed (AGAIN!!) which caused the queue for the bus to be hopelessly long (and the thought of moving to the rear of the bus never ever occurs to those friggin people!! ever!) and therefore made me miss 2 buses and hence i was late for my first tut. Then was the horrendously long queue at the cafe in school which really got me peeved cos i am so fed up of the snail speed which every single thing operates here in perth. Seriously, half their lives are wasted on queueing alone!!!! Then i got home, wanted to download the readings for tmr's tut and they were unavailable! So much for 'they are all on CMO'. Nevermind, i thought i should listen to yesterday's lecture online. But no, lectopia isn't working either! Why did they ever remove that download lecture recordings function?!?!! And all of a sudden, I found 3 bloody long scratches on my hand which looks terrifying and is getting painful!
But on a happier note, I found a friend today. Tuts and workshops should get better now. Though I feel old (maybe the term 'mature' sounds better XD) beside him.
And i swear my neighbour thinks i'm stalking him. LOL!
Sunday, March 01, 2009
9:50 PM
9:50 PM
23 days to sis' birthday!
one month to april fools day!
three months to semester end!
it's sunday already!!!!
it's school again tmr!! so soon!!! (>_________<)
i am not looking forward to tmr cos it's the longest day of the week!!!! 11 to 4!!!!!
i'm impatiently waiting for rabusha and meichan to be out!!!
and last night, i was thinking about the whole what-if-i-tell-you thing which messed me up again. just when i thought i overcame it.... GRRR!