Saturday, December 25, 2010

hi dear stagnant blog of mine.
12:19 AM

you are not forgotten. just left alone.
but i still treasure your presence. i like to know that i can rant here anytime.
nothing much to rant about nowadays other than my obsession with this korean drama. WHY MUST THE EPISODE END AT SUCH A CLIMAX?!! WHEN IS THE NEXT EP COMING OUT?!?!! gosh, fangirling all over again. and i thought i was too old for it. seems not.

oh fyi, a lousy made-in-china sms does not cut as a christmas greeting.
i was seriously pissed when i got it. i would rather a simple 'merry christmas ' or even 'merry xmas' than some freaking chinese emoticon style sms. it irks me.

i need to lose weight desperately. a lot of weight. teh o kosong ping here i come!!